ETCLabs - sACN

Hello dear ETC community,

i hava a few questions about the nice open source sACN library published by ETC here:

s this the correct place for questions about the API usage? I did not find a dedicated developer forum, and i do not want to pollute the github repo with my user questions =)

Best wishes

  • Hello Heiner,

    This is probably as good a place as any.. I can help relay questions to the developers if needed. Could you describe what you're trying to do with the library and where you are getting stuck?



  • Hi Tom, cool!

    i am using the lib to receive DMX universes, and to my surprise in one of my customers setups (theatre, they have a ETC console) no 'Sources' show up. But i can receive all 'Merged' universes. So i have two questions,

    - is it normal / by design that there are no sources visible (or, more accurate, my callback (below) does not get called)

    	void HandleSourceUpdated(sacn::RemoteSourceHandle handle, const etcpal::Uuid& cid, const std::string& name,
    		const std::vector<uint16_t>& sourced_universes) override

    - is it possible to retrieve the owner names (of the merged universes) names through the  owners handles provided in the SacnRecvMergedData struct?

    	void HandleMergedData(sacn::MergeReceiver::Handle handle, const SacnRecvMergedData& merged_data) override

    Best wishes,

  • Hi Tom, cool!

    i am using the lib to receive DMX universes, and to my surprise in one of my customers setups (theatre, they have a ETC console) no 'Sources' show up. But i can receive all 'Merged' universes. So i have two questions,

    - is it normal / by design that there are no sources visible (or, more accurate, my callback (below) does not get called)

    	void HandleSourceUpdated(sacn::RemoteSourceHandle handle, const etcpal::Uuid& cid, const std::string& name,
    		const std::vector<uint16_t>& sourced_universes) override

    - is it possible to retrieve the owner names (of the merged universes) names through the  owners handles provided in the SacnRecvMergedData struct?

    	void HandleMergedData(sacn::MergeReceiver::Handle handle, const SacnRecvMergedData& merged_data) override

    Best wishes,
