FYI: Constant disconnect fix for iRFR and iPhone 3G (and 3GS?) fix.

I finally set up a wireless system, configured it exactly as instructed, and was having horrible disconnection problems.  After 30 seconds, the app would lose connection with the Ion, dumping me off.  I would click "Connect" again and it would stay connected for another 30 seconds.  Repeat ad infinitum.  I called ETC and they told me to disable 3G.


It works perfectly now.  The lag is less, the app stays connected.  Can any ETC people comment on when this will be fixed?  I basically have to reconfigure my phone and stay away from any live sound system and all our Clear-Com if I want to use the iRFR on my iPhone.

  • We are investigating this issue. The problem may lie not within the software of the application, but with the iPhone not being able to handle multiple programs running on different networks. The reason we recommended that you disable 3G is that while the iRFR needs to use the Wi-Fi connection, your mail and other programs will attempt to also sync. Because you are connected to a closed network (ideally) when using the iRFR, those other programs cannot connect to their intended targets and they tell the device to switch back to the 3G network. That behaviour causes the iPhone to drop the Wi-Fi connection.

    As for the ClearCom proximity, this issue is not a property of the iRFR application, but rather the nature of the iPhone device in proximity to such systems when using data. I would venture to guess that if you used another cell phone, laptop computer, or iPhone you would get the same result on your Clear-Com regardless of whether the iRFR app is running.

  •  Please note Channel 9.  It may also be helping with the connection problem.

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