Net3 gateway display with AIP...

Is there any way, that the default display with AIP, can show atleast the starting Universe or Address?

I already know that it's custom.  So start the display with  AIP  8/417........  or  C.AIP  8/417

Also Input,  could be abbreviated with In.....

IE..  So this is what I see on the Grid.  Now I have to hike down 6 stories, to my desk, to figure out where it is patched.....

(ya I know, try to type something creative in the port label)  (but it was way too early, and no coffee!)

Thanks!  -Bob

  • Bob,

    Thanks for your feedback. This request is something we hear about from time to time and have considered adding to the 2-port and 4-port gateways. There are some issues with this concept because of the limitation on the number of characters that can be displayed on the device. We have been considering how we could implement a method to label the port universe and starting channel, but have not settled on a good way to accomplish this yet.

    For the time being I recommend investing in an inexpensive label maker and labeling your gateway ports with this information. Not the most elegant solution, but it saves you the trips and time up and down the ladder or stairs!

  • I disagree with this feature Bob.  If your gateway is showing AIP then myself as a technician walking into a site knows there is a custom config.  If you show a number I assume a full universe of 512 after that number.  (if it is in ACN mode then that is the universe number)  While this may work for your site.  There are too many other installs around the world where this is not the case.

