how to stop Net2 nodes from getting IP address via bootp or DHCP

I have, on a couple of occasions so far, had to connect visiting consoles to my lighting network and have the following problem:

If the visiting console is running a DHCP server, when I connect one of my Net2 2-port nodes it will get an IP address from the visiting console, even though the node is configured with a static IP address suitable for my lighting system.

Since the IP address that the node is assigned is usually in the or 172.xx.xx.xx range, I have to change my computer settings in order to communicate with the node with NCE and configure it.

Is there any way to make sure that a Net 2 node keeps its static IP address even if there's a DHCP server on the network?  The NCE 4.3 documentation doesn't seem to have an answer and there's no longer any documentation for the Net2 nodes on the ETC website.



  • If I set the "bootp verify time" to 0 via NCE, will that force the node to not look for a DHCP server?  Or will the 0 value mean that the DHCP search will never time out?

    I finally found the documentation for the Net2 nodes on the ETC website but still no definite answer from those documents.


