Net3 ACN Gateway port configuration AIP issue


i've run into a problem configuring our 4 port Net3 ACN gateway with the GCE. our dmx outputs on the gateway need to layout as follows:

output 1 = 1-479

output 2 = 480-577

output 3 = 1024-1535

output 4 = disabled

i've had no issue configuring outputs 1 & 3, but configuring output 2 is where i'm having trouble. i'm sure its because i'm trying to bridge across dmx universes 1 & 2. i've tried to make a custom configuration for this port thru AIP in the GCE, but when in the AIP window, all options are locked out, and inaccessible.

hopefully this "lockout" is the result of something small that i've just overlooked? is AIP the correct route to take in order to set up this output for those dmx channels?




steven maturno

associate lighting department supervisor

williamstown theatre festival




  • I don't have any GCE experience, but maybe my Net2 config experience will be enough to assist you, at least until someone with more expertise has time to respond.

    I don't think AIP is the direction you should be pursuing.  AIP is useful if you have multiple consoles mapping over shared DMX outputs, or if you have a smaller number of DMX console addresses mapping to a larger number of universes.

    If your situation is one console that needs to control 4 universes, it should be as simple as configuring 4 outputs as you describe. My quick glance at the GCE help makes it look like your DMX port settings should be:

    Port 1, ACN Universe 1/1:479, Mode Output

    Port 2, ACN Universe 1/480:98, Mode Output

    Port 3, ACN Universe 3, Mode Output

    Port 4, ACN Universe 4, Mode Disabled


    Note that the universe format is [Univ #]/[Start Address]:[Length]

    I'm not certain how it will deal with the wrapping of addresses across the border between universes 1 and 2.

    If you do only have 1 console, is there any reason that you can't shift the patch of devices addressed from 480 - 577 up to 513 - 610?  Under either method, the devices on that port will still see the DMX stream as addresses 1 - 98.

    Hopefully this will provide some assistance for you.


    - Jim

  • Jim's reply is great information, thanks! This topic is covered in the help file under "Using Flexible Output Patch".

