In trying to set up my Ion again after receiving it from the shop, I'm unable to get it to fully communicate with my 2-port Net3 Gateway. As far as I can tell, I have all IP addresses assigned correctly: GCE recognizes the node, and I can even remotely flash the LCD screen as well as ping the node's IP. But, I can't send DMX information.
I have the network set up as simply as possible - both ports are on Universe 1 and there's direct Ethernet from console to node. The console sends direct DMX perfectly and all DMXable fixtures on the node are working correctly. Also, I've got a second loaner Ion that sends to the node without any trouble, so I know the network itself is working.
Is there some obvious setting I'm missing? Console IP is, node address is currently set at, although I've tried it in automatic DHCP as well. As far as I can tell, all network settings are identical between the two consoles. Both console IDs are even the same.
Any ideas, or can I provide any more info that might make the situation clearer? I'll call tech support in the morning if no one's here right now to go "Aha! That's THIS check box!" and get me on track.