4Port ACN/NET3 Node woes

Hey All,

So I am having a bit of trouble with a 4port GW. 

If I set the GW to Net 2 mode.  I can connect to it with a PC via NCE.

When I switch it to ACN I would expect that I could see it with the GCE in our Ion or the GCE on my laptop.  I can ping the device  from both laptop and console.  When in Net2 mode  I can also see the device from GCE and send it a command to switch to ACN, but then I cannot connect to it after that.  I could use some suggestions.  At this  point we are having to work around since I cannot set priorities the way I want to.  I deally we want to use the GW as a DMX merger since sometime wehave a HO3 come inwith movers and they want to run  dual consoles.  


Thanks for any help.

  • Hi Dlderry,

    it could be that your 4Port Gateway is running older software version -

    Could you download the current GCE Installer v2.0.3


    and then update the 4Port Gateways. The Gateways firmware will be installed onto your laptop and Ion when

    the current GCE is installed. After updating GCE, you can update the firmware of all Gateways on the

    network without actually connecting to them.

    Also - please make sure the IP of the Gateway in sACN mode matches the IP Scheme you have, because

    there is one IP saved for Net2 Mode, and one IP saved for sACN Mode. Best, you can turn on DHCP Address

    server in your Ion or Laptop, and then from the facepanel of the Gateway in sACN Mode you can choose , r

    reset to Dynamic IP, and it will reboot and pull an IP from the Ion or Laptop.

    Hope that helps!

    [edited by: corey at 5:46 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Feb 14 2012]
  • To elaborate a little: GCE installs will see and control gateways from their first ACN software versions up through the release that shipped with GCE.  If, however, your version of GCE predates the release of gateway software you're using, then you may have an issue. 

    In that case, updating to the latest GCE should sort the problem out just as Corey suggested.

    [edited by: Tracy.Fitch at 6:31 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Feb 14 2012]