CEM3 Web Interface- set levels

CEM3 1.2.2

I read through the "known issues" in the release notes, and didn't see these items addressed, so I thought I'd let you know, in the event you were unaware.  Some of this may just be due to me not understanding fully how the "new gear" works...so forgive me if that's the case.

Web browser: Set Levels- there is no backspace or way to clear the command (that I could tell) when you're in the middle of typing a command and realized you typed something wrong.  The actual backspace button on my PC just changes to a different page in the web browser.

Web browser- Set Levels- I expected to have to press "set" or "enter" to commit the level changes.  I was a bit surprised when "full" (or any other two digit level) self-terminated

Web browser- Set Levels- I'm logged into rack 1 to test dimmers. (Rack 1 is 1-96). When I bring up 97, I expect rack #2, circuit #1 (DMX address 97) to come on (Rack 2 is 97-192). Nothing happened. Do we not have cross control of the online processors from one CEM3?

Does the web interface work with something other than IE? I briefly tried it with Firefox and it didn't perform as expected.



  • Hi Abby,

    Thanks for the feedback - I am the person for the web interface so here's some info/questions:

    Set Levels- there is no backspace or way to clear the command (that I could tell) when you're in the middle of typing a command and realized you typed something wrong. The actual backspace button on my PC just changes to a different page in the web browser.

    Sure, we can add a clear button as a feature. I will have to look and see if we can handle the backspace key as that means "go back" for most browsers.

    Set Levels- I expected to have to press "set" or "enter" to commit the level changes. I was a bit surprised when "full" (or any other two digit level) self-terminated

    I actually modelled the command line on the Express-style level entry, as it requires one less button press to set a level. Possibly this shows my age and lack of console ability :-) I could introduce some kind of enter concept, but I think some things still need to be self terminating like NEXT and LAST (so you can channel check through your dimmers).

    Set Levels- I'm logged into rack 1 to test dimmers. (Rack 1 is 1-96). When I bring up 97, I expect rack #2, circuit #1 (DMX address 97) to come on (Rack 2 is 97-192). Nothing happened. Do we not have cross control of the online processors from one CEM3?

    Yes. At the moment each CEM3 is a standalone unit, and does not communicate with other CEM3s on things like set levels and presets over the network. That's a feature we plan to add at some point. For now, in order to set dimmers in a rack, you need to be connected to that rack.

    Does the web interface work with something other than IE? I briefly tried it with Firefox and it didn't perform as expected.

    That's odd. I have tested it with IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and iOS Safari. Can you tell me what version of firefox you used and what you saw? You do need javascript enabled for it to work.



  • Hi Abby,

    Thanks for the feedback - I am the person for the web interface so here's some info/questions:

    Set Levels- there is no backspace or way to clear the command (that I could tell) when you're in the middle of typing a command and realized you typed something wrong. The actual backspace button on my PC just changes to a different page in the web browser.

    Sure, we can add a clear button as a feature. I will have to look and see if we can handle the backspace key as that means "go back" for most browsers.

    Set Levels- I expected to have to press "set" or "enter" to commit the level changes. I was a bit surprised when "full" (or any other two digit level) self-terminated

    I actually modelled the command line on the Express-style level entry, as it requires one less button press to set a level. Possibly this shows my age and lack of console ability :-) I could introduce some kind of enter concept, but I think some things still need to be self terminating like NEXT and LAST (so you can channel check through your dimmers).

    Set Levels- I'm logged into rack 1 to test dimmers. (Rack 1 is 1-96). When I bring up 97, I expect rack #2, circuit #1 (DMX address 97) to come on (Rack 2 is 97-192). Nothing happened. Do we not have cross control of the online processors from one CEM3?

    Yes. At the moment each CEM3 is a standalone unit, and does not communicate with other CEM3s on things like set levels and presets over the network. That's a feature we plan to add at some point. For now, in order to set dimmers in a rack, you need to be connected to that rack.

    Does the web interface work with something other than IE? I briefly tried it with Firefox and it didn't perform as expected.

    That's odd. I have tested it with IE, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and iOS Safari. Can you tell me what version of firefox you used and what you saw? You do need javascript enabled for it to work.



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