Sensor+ CEM+ Error Messages after upgrade to 3.1.2

I have a single SR48+ with a CEM+ module that we've upgraded to v3.1.2.  The upgrade appeared to have been completely successful and we are now receiving feedback from the dimmer rack on our Ion.  However, the rack is now sending random "AF Dimmer Removed" errors and then clearing them.  It happens constantly on various channels. 

I am wondering if for some reason the CEM+ didn't push the new software to the AF cards and if there is a way to do that manually? Or should i re-install the update.  I have confirmed that the rack is loaded with D20AF modules.

Thank you.

Parents Reply
  • The software should be automatically pushed to the AF cards on a reboot. There is a way to check the status of the AF cards through a hidden factory menu - I would say call your nearest technical services at an ETC office and they can walk you through that.

    However, I think if you are getting messages the AF cards have probably loaded OK, and we might need to do some troubleshooting on the modules. It would be worth swapping one of the modules from the affected slot(s) for another one, and seeing if the problem follows the module.

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