Sensor rack issue

Hello all,

We're having an odd issue with one of our 6k dimmers in our Sensor rack. A few days ago our op realized one of the lights wasn't going out even though it was out in the console. He couldn't track it down for the show, and ended up just turning it off at the rack. Post show he went to the rack and realized the dimmer module had 'died'. The module doesn't seem to be getting power or signal anymore. When we replaced the module the 'power' led came on, as well as the light, without any signal from the console. 

Has anyone else run into this problem? I cleared out the backup looks, although I'm not sure what would be triggering that. 

Any help would be appreciated! 

  • whilst i'm not familiar with sensor dimmer modules specifically, wouldn't that usually mean, that a thyristor is gone? when they can't fire the impulses anymore, they let the current pass through, so the light is always on...

    [edited by: ueliriegg at 11:35 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, Nov 27 2012]
  • That is probably a good place to check, as there isn't much else in a standard dimmer module to go wrong.  It sounds like it has failed in an ON state. Moving the module to a different slot will confirm if it is a module issue or not.   You should be able to order a replacement module from your nearest dealer or ETC office.  The Part number would be located on the SCR itself, and starts with a "Q" like Q141".  They are simple to replace.

  • That is probably a good place to check, as there isn't much else in a standard dimmer module to go wrong.  It sounds like it has failed in an ON state. Moving the module to a different slot will confirm if it is a module issue or not.   You should be able to order a replacement module from your nearest dealer or ETC office.  The Part number would be located on the SCR itself, and starts with a "Q" like Q141".  They are simple to replace.
