Random levels on Sensor SR 48 AF dimmer system

I work for a Resort Casino where we have a large dimmer system installed to light the inside of a dome and a large metal structure inside it meant to resemble some part of a mining system. We no longer use a majority of the dimmers due to changing over to led lighting. A problem has developed in the last couple of weeks where at a couple of random times of the day the dimmer racks will turn on something like dimmers #5, and 40 through 900 at 100% or sometimes at only 35%. What ever the level is it overwrites the levels that we have some of the dimmers parked at in the CEM's. At other times it will load those levels for all dimmers but then release the specific dimmers we had parked in the CEM. The system currently gets its DMX data from a computer that is programmed with all the data and time code pertinent to running the lighting as well as motor control for the rig shows. Is there any way that the data from this computer is changing the settings in the CEM? The only error message I have encountered so far was an error having to do with back up looks but I updated the data from one of the other dimmers and that problem message is now gone. Appreciate any help or ideas that you may have on this.

  • Sorry to hear you are having problems - as always if the problem is urgent or is affecting operations at your facility I would suggest contacting technical services at a location near you.

    How many Sensor racks do you have? If all of this is occurring in one rack it sounds like you may have a faulty control module which should come in for repair. How old is your system, and have you had it serviced at all?



  • Sorry to hear you are having problems - as always if the problem is urgent or is affecting operations at your facility I would suggest contacting technical services at a location near you.

    How many Sensor racks do you have? If all of this is occurring in one rack it sounds like you may have a faulty control module which should come in for repair. How old is your system, and have you had it serviced at all?



  • This system has, I think 9 dimmer racks, and I know that one of the CEM is bad but that is on one of the dimmers racks that we no longer use since going to LED lighting in the dome. The problem is that for some reason the system keeps loading backup looks. When I get to work I check the about system and usually find some backup look loaded. So I unset the backup looks and that usually clears what ever settings are causing problems with the lighting. My question is, what would be causing the system to load backup looks, can dmx from the controller cause it to load the looks? Or is it an issue with the CEM that is loading the looks? As far as the system being serviced, I do not think it has been serviced in a very long time.  Thank you for your time.

    John Lopez
