Different Consoles Using the Same Dimming System

I am experiencing a Sensor module failing. Fixtures it controls "drop out." The problem is random and not repeatable but for one thing.

For our road shows we often switch Universe 1 (the suspect rack) over to a road show console (of any variety). The other three universes stay connected to the house EOS desk and the other 3 racks. I believe all 4 racks are integrated through the ETCLink protocol although we don't use that. I switched out the module from rack two and cannot replicate the problem.

Have I fried a Sensor Module?

  • Mr. Spock,

    Probably not. SCR dimmers usually fail in a locked on or off mode. Once they go bad they don't really recover.

    Is this just one dimmer module?

    Does it happen right away or after the rack has been on awhile?

    If they drop out do they recover later on their own?

    Do you only see it when the rack is on a seperate console, or does this happen when it is connected to your full house system? 

    Probably your best bet is to call our phone support staff when you are able to be in front of the rack or even when you are seeing the problem as well. 



  • It could very well be a failing power cube. I had a D50 fail recently with what was clearly a heat-related intermittent loss of output. It would stop working, then cool of and work again until the heat built up once more. Swapping the power cube solved the issue.
