Problems with RDM using Sensor Dimmers and Gio



We are having a few problems getting dimmer feedback over RDM.

We are using a Gio running 2.0.0 trying to connect to some Sensor CEM+ Installation Racks. We are connecting over ACN using a Net 3 ACN Gateway.

I have managed to access the information for the dimmers via the patch that allows you to change the function of the dimmers for example into switched mode etc. This works fine but we aren't receiving any feedback from the dimmers. RDM is enabled on the desk. I am looking at the patch via address mode. For example if we get a blown lamp we don't get the little red ! in the channel tile.

The Chief LX has an idea that the firmware on the dimmers may not be compatible with RDM  but I can't figure out how to check that. They were installed fairly recently within the last year. 


Does anyone have any future troubleshooting ideas?


- Cheers 

  • Hi KTDavies,

    with v2.x you need to attach the feedback for each dimmer to that channel.

    Patch->Device List->Dimmers and then select all the Dimmers there via Address 1-xxx (Thru doesn't work here).

    Then Softkey ATTACH <ENTER>.

    It may give you a warning that the Device Type may change - just confirm this and then those dimmer feedbacks will be connected

    to the channel in your LIVE.

    Have FUN!

  • Hi KTDavies,

    with v2.x you need to attach the feedback for each dimmer to that channel.

    Patch->Device List->Dimmers and then select all the Dimmers there via Address 1-xxx (Thru doesn't work here).

    Then Softkey ATTACH <ENTER>.

    It may give you a warning that the Device Type may change - just confirm this and then those dimmer feedbacks will be connected

    to the channel in your LIVE.

    Have FUN!

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