Sensor DMX Out?

Just wondering, do ETC Sensor racks usually have a DMX out on them? These are install racks. I cannot remember if they have older or newer + type processors
  •  Updated:

    Sensor (CEM) does not have a DMX output

    Sensor+ (CEM+) does have the ability to reconfigure Port B to be a DMX output.

    Sensor3 (CEM3) does not have a DMX output

    Might I ask what you are working on or trying to do? Perhaps the group here can offer possible idea to help




  • DMX Thru Options:

    CEM: No Thru Ports. Incoming DMX can be wired in series though each rack and termination is set at the last rack. (Noting that ETC systems are usually wired with the dimming racks at the end of the DMX chain).

    CEM+ and CEM3 have dedicated Thru ports (which are not the same as a dedicated DMX output)

  • DMX Thru Options:

    CEM: No Thru Ports. Incoming DMX can be wired in series though each rack and termination is set at the last rack. (Noting that ETC systems are usually wired with the dimming racks at the end of the DMX chain).

    CEM+ and CEM3 have dedicated Thru ports (which are not the same as a dedicated DMX output)

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