Congo - Hold Last Look (HLL).

I know it is a possible to set the ETCNet2 to make the dimmers 'HLL' indefinitely or by default to 180 seconds, is it possible to set the value to somewhere inbetween?

I know the HLL figure is set in one second increments and we wonder if it would be possible to set it for 2 hours? We have it in our mind that '999' is the maximum figure you can set the 'HLL' to.



  • Hi there -

    Congo isn't actually the piece of equipment that is holding the last look. It's either ETCNet2 DMX Nodes, or Net3 DMX/RDM Gateways, or the Sensor rack itself, depending on how your system is set up. I will move this thread over into the Sensor forums. Could you provide more info on the equipment in your system?

    Thanks -


  • Hi Sarah,

    We feed the ethernet output of the Congo (via a conventional ethernet hub) to an ETC Net3 ACN Gateway DMX ROM (RDM?) ethernet to DMX convertor and hence to the dimmers.



  • Net3 Gateways have a checkbox setting for HLLF which is an infinite hold.  With this checked, DMX output will continue to be sent even if Ethernet is lost completely.  Also, the Sensor dimming line has a setting for hold last look. The CEM+ calls it "hold last look," and CEM depended upon the software version.
  • jdunnum:
    Net3 Gateways have a checkbox setting for HLLF which is an infinite hold.  With this checked, DMX output will continue to be sent even if Ethernet is lost completely.  Also, the Sensor dimming line has a setting for hold last look. The CEM+ calls it "hold last look," and CEM depended upon the software version.


    Thank you for your reply. We want to set the HLL time to 2 hours and not indefinitely or the default setting of 3 minutes. The HLL time can be set in one second increments - my question is: can the HLL time be set to 2 hours (7200 seconds) or is there a maximum value that this can be set to? (rumoured to be 999 seconds).

    [edited by: michaell at 2:47 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Feb 20 2008]
  • jdunnum:
    Net3 Gateways have a checkbox setting for HLLF which is an infinite hold.  With this checked, DMX output will continue to be sent even if Ethernet is lost completely.  Also, the Sensor dimming line has a setting for hold last look. The CEM+ calls it "hold last look," and CEM depended upon the software version.


    Thank you for your reply. We want to set the HLL time to 2 hours and not indefinitely or the default setting of 3 minutes. The HLL time can be set in one second increments - my question is: can the HLL time be set to 2 hours (7200 seconds) or is there a maximum value that this can be set to? (rumoured to be 999 seconds).

    [edited by: michaell at 2:47 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Feb 20 2008]
  • The maximum Hold Last Look time is 6000 seconds, or 1 hour 40 minutes.

    I haven't had a chance to test this on real hardware yet, so I don't know how accurate the timer is!

    You can also choose what happens once this times out - the port can either cease transmitting altogether, or fade to black over up to 900 seconds and then optionally cease transmitting.
