CEM+ Software Update

I work in an arena in Las Vegas and we just found a brand new, never used, sensor+ with a CEM+ installed.  Both appear to be manufactured some time in 2006.

I looked for software updates under the CEM+ downloads section but only found manuals and specs.

Where can I find the latest software updates for the CEM+?

Thanks for your help!

  • If you've never software upgraded a CEM processor before.  It might be wise to give Technical Services a call, and let them talk you thru it the first time.  There can be quirks.  As a warning....  Always save your config files, before and after.  And never try to upgrade software on a 'show' day........

  • Thank you for the sound advice.  I have a little advantage as we don't need to use this unit for several weeks.

    I have already downloaded the latest version of the software and need to backup any configuration files that are already on the CEM+.

    I assume it is similar to updating firmware on a router... backup config file...load new firmware...install old config file.

    I would like to attempt to start a new configuration from scratch so that I can better understand the software.  I don't think it will be too difficult to setup 4 dimmable par bars with 6 - 120VAC lights each, but I've been wrong before.


    Again, thanks for all the information.



  • When you use updaterator it automatically backs up the config but I would always make a copy yourself.

    The best thing to do will be to use the web browser to login and download the config from each rack then carry out the update.

    Once they are upto date you can use concert to connect to the racks and make any changes. I don't believe Concert can comunicate with any CEM+ below 3.1.2 but this may have changed.

    Details on the web interface can be found in the link below. The Login information is on Page 21 and Downloading files is on Page 35.


    Concert can be downloaded from the link below.



  • Thanks Tom!

    I have the config manual pdf document already and will download Concert and give it a shot next week.  I'll report back later in the week as to how it all went.


    Thanks again for the above information.

  • That is correct, you need 3.1.2 or higher CEM+ to use Concert.

    With CEM+ it does save the config as a process step.  However it is always best practice to save the current version seperately, and then upgrade.  It is only in an extremely rare event that you might need to reload the configuration after an upgrade.  Should something go horribly wrong, you will have the config handy in a safe spot.

    Having been in that situation myself. It was indeed priceless!


    [edited by: GregThomas at 1:44 PM (GMT -6) on Tue, May 27 2014]
  • I had a chance to work on two CEM+ units today.  Each installed in a different SP48 Sensor+ dimmer pack with 12 - D20's modules.   

    After setting up my network, I updated the CEM+ software on the first unit to the latest  The original software revision on this unit was old - - perhaps it was one of the first production revisions.  This unit was put on a shelf in 2006 after someone deleted the configuration.

    After the update, I ran the advanced configuration setup from the CEM+ control buttons.  I picked the options I wanted i.e. 120V, Straight 3-phase, SP48, starting dmx #1, dmx-a on...etc.  I logged into the CEM+ as a "power user" via Internet Explorer.  To my surprise, everything configured properly and I ended up with one Rack with 48 dmx #s. 

    On to the second unit:

    The second CEM+ installed in a different SP48 unit was configured for a SP24.  When I updated it using UpdaterAtor, the old configuration was saved and rewritten to the new software and because it was setup as a SP24, it only had 24-dmx #'s.

    After the software update, both units seem to work fine independently.  Each unit controlled 24 - 120VAC - 1000 Watt - tungsten halogen PAR64 lights on separate dmx #'s for a total of 48 lights on two SP48's.  One CEM+ is now set at IP and the other at, which should make it easy to network these together in the future.  I will have to change the dmx starting number on one unit when I join them together.

    Next, I plan to play around with these configurations to see what all the capabilities are for these units.  Everything seems to be staightforward in the web config app. 

    The Sensor+ SP48 dimmer pack has 48 stage pin outputs.  Two under each output number i.e. dmx #1 has two stage pin outputs.  Does anyone know if there is a way to control all 48 stage pin outputs independently?  If not, why have two outputs per dmx?  Why in the configuration setup, when I pick SP48, does it create 48-dmx #'s but only lets you control 24?  - i.e. dmx #1 controls the two stage pin outputs under #1 on the back of the SP48 unit.

    Thanks to everyone that took an interest in my CEM+ update...both my units are now running software revision

  • First of all, I think you may have misunderstood what the numbers in "SP24" and "SP48" mean.

    "SP24" means "Sensor Portable - 24 Module".

    This means it has 24 module slots for dimmer/relay/AFM etc modules.
    A module may have 0, 1 or 2 independently-controlled circuits (depending on type), so an SP24 may have up to 48 independent dimmer circuits.

    Equally, an "SP48" has 48 module slots, thus up to 96 independent circuits.

    If you choose the wrong rack type in the configuration, the CEM+ will believe what you tell it - but the rack may not dim all the circuits properly.

    Equally, you also need to tell the CEM+ the type of modules that are installed.
    - If in doubt, "D20" (or "ED15" in Europe) will work for basic control of all module types, but won't support 'special functions' like AF.

    Finally, many SP racks do have two output sockets for each independent circuit.
    It's very common to want to 'pair' two lights together (eg stage left and stage right parcans) and the two sockets mean you don't need any Y-cables or other adapters to do that.

    SP racks are available with a great many different arrangements of power and circuit output sockets/patch panels, including completely customised, so there aren't any hard-and-fast rules about what sockets may be on a given rack.

  • First of all, I think you may have misunderstood what the numbers in "SP24" and "SP48" mean.

    "SP24" means "Sensor Portable - 24 Module".

    This means it has 24 module slots for dimmer/relay/AFM etc modules.
    A module may have 0, 1 or 2 independently-controlled circuits (depending on type), so an SP24 may have up to 48 independent dimmer circuits.

    Equally, an "SP48" has 48 module slots, thus up to 96 independent circuits.

    If you choose the wrong rack type in the configuration, the CEM+ will believe what you tell it - but the rack may not dim all the circuits properly.

    Equally, you also need to tell the CEM+ the type of modules that are installed.
    - If in doubt, "D20" (or "ED15" in Europe) will work for basic control of all module types, but won't support 'special functions' like AF.

    Finally, many SP racks do have two output sockets for each independent circuit.
    It's very common to want to 'pair' two lights together (eg stage left and stage right parcans) and the two sockets mean you don't need any Y-cables or other adapters to do that.

    SP racks are available with a great many different arrangements of power and circuit output sockets/patch panels, including completely customised, so there aren't any hard-and-fast rules about what sockets may be on a given rack.

  • Thanks for your response.

    I made a mistake in my previous post:

    Both of my Sensor+ dimmer racks are model # SP24, which has 48 stage pin outputs @ 120VAC each.  This unit has 12 - D20 modules for a total of 24 circuit breakers.

    As I mentioned before, each dmx # has 2 stage pin outputs under the output # on the back of the unit for a total of 24 dmx # assignments with 48 total stage pin outputs...2 per dmx #.

    It's funny (but I'm not laughing), once I configured my first CEM+ as a SP48 and ended up with 48 dmx numbers, I changed the config to a SP24 to match the number of dmx outputs the unit actually has.  This decision was based on how the second unit was originally configured.

    I apologize for my miscommunication.  Everything is working properly and I am a happy camper.

    Thanks again to everyone participating on this forum!
