Combination Relay/Dimmer module

I dont know how useful this might be for anyone else, but I think it would be great if there was a combination relay/dimmer module in the 20 amp range. I use the relay modules to power up things like scroller power supplies, or other various things that dont play well with dimmers, and find it annoying to not be able to use the other half of the module for anything else but non-dimmed stuff. It would be nice to be able to have both. Thanks!
  • Hello Brian,

    We have actually discussed this internally a few times. The main problem is adding to our dimmer range. At the moment we make well over a hundred different types of dimmer/relay/CC module, for different countries, voltage and breaker requirements. If you want to create a half dimmer/half relay module you have to decide which half to make the dimmer and which half the relay. For maximum flexibility you'd want two types - one with the relay on top, and one with the relay on the bottom - but if you extend that across all the markets where our dimmers are sold, you end up with a huge increase in the types of module we'd have to support and produce.

    So that's always been the thinking as to why we haven't done this. I'm sure others at ETC will add their opinions as well. 


  • We discussed this over on ControlBooth recently.  Whichever module you had, (odd=dimmer, even=relay, or the reverse) you'd inevitably want/need the other, and to stock both types still wouldn't solve all the problems without having more than ever required, and would cause undue complication.  Good idea for convenience, but in the end, just not practical.
  • We discussed this over on ControlBooth recently.  Whichever module you had, (odd=dimmer, even=relay, or the reverse) you'd inevitably want/need the other, and to stock both types still wouldn't solve all the problems without having more than ever required, and would cause undue complication.  Good idea for convenience, but in the end, just not practical.
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