Phasing on SP6 packs

In three phase operation, on an SP6-20 (12x2.4Kw) pack, I know that dimmers 1>4=ØA, 5>8=ØB, 9>12=ØC.  So am I correct that on an SP6-50 (6x6Kw) pack, it's dimmers 1>2=ØA, 3>4=ØB, 5>6=ØC ?
  • Derek,

    Yes you are correct.  This all changes when you go to a SP12, SP24, SP36 or SP48 as the phase order repeats after the first 6 slots.  A slot will typically hold one 50A dimmer (D50) or two 20A dimmers (D20) or any of a number of module types but I think you get the idea.


  • Derek,

    Yes you are correct.  This all changes when you go to a SP12, SP24, SP36 or SP48 as the phase order repeats after the first 6 slots.  A slot will typically hold one 50A dimmer (D50) or two 20A dimmers (D20) or any of a number of module types but I think you get the idea.


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