Control Dimming issue between GrandMA2 PC and Sensor 3?

My Eos and Paradigm and Sensor 3 racks are on network.

Touring productions can plug into hardwired DMX to control house conventionals with our console staying on the network.

However today a tour tried to plug a Grand MA2 PC into hardwired DMX to pick up a couple of x-mas tree lights and FOH fixtures and there was sometimes a delay of up to 20 seconds before the FOH fixtures and x-mas tree lights reacted or there was no control at all.  However the tour did have control of their fixtures plugged into the other universe on the console.  I observed the dimmer racks while the tour was trying to run cues and every time a cue or command was executed the racks registered a DMX error on port A.

As troubleshooting we tried the following:

A Smart Module was plugged into the MA2 PC via the same dmx line and there was instantaneous/complete control from the MA2 PC.

Ports on the console were reconfigured with no effect.

DMX cables were swapped out to no effect.

The EOS was unplugged from the network to make sure there were no communication errors.  No effect

I plugged in my spare Element to DMX and had complete control.  At that point we thought we would need to record x-mas tree lights and FOH fixtures on the Element and execute two consoles at the same time for the show.


We procured an ETC input node from else where on campus and connected the MA2 PC that way and gained control of the xmas tree lights, but not FOH fixtures. 

I reset the CEMs on the racks and then we got control of the FOH fixtures.

Was there anything we could have done differently here?  We here are completely baffled why the MA2 PC was having issues with the hardwired DMX but the Element did not.  Any suggestions or advice here would be great!


  • Hello Chris, I have had problems with the MA onPC myself (not just with ETC equipment, but movers and other dimmers), the problem lies with the fact the DMX timing from the onPC is very out of spec. My soloution was to tour an MA node todo DMX output! Only the MA onPC is affected by this problem. Please contact MA regarding this problem, the more people who complain - maybe they'll fix it!!! Marcus

  • Hello Chris,

    I have just found out we created a hardware revision that helps with out of band dmx devices.

    Please feel free to contact me on marcus(dot)birkin(at)etcconnect(dot)com or your local support office to see if we can upgrade your hardware.

