CEM3 inputs

Here is the layout that is currently in use: RPU (primary), EOS Ti (backup), 4 port dmx gateway, paradigm architecture controller, Sensor3 dimmer racks. The RPU and Ti are outputing sACN to the gateway, which is ouptputing DMX to the dimmer racks on Port A. The RPU and Ti are also outputting to the dimmer racks with sACN. The Paradigm is outputting DMX to the racks on Port B. While Paradigm is sending levels to the dimmer racks via Port B, the RPU is powered down, effectively interrupting sACN input to the dimmer racks. When this happens, the dimmer rack ignores the values being sent on DMX Port B and all the lights turn off. Why is that?

Parents Reply
  • I would always tend to put stage whites and blues on a different universe to production dimmers when ever possible and optionally remove this universe from the allowed output range of the console.

    Maybe the solution to your situation above, would be to have a "Show" button on paradigm that increases the per channel priority of the blues. 
