CEM3 inputs

Here is the layout that is currently in use: RPU (primary), EOS Ti (backup), 4 port dmx gateway, paradigm architecture controller, Sensor3 dimmer racks. The RPU and Ti are outputing sACN to the gateway, which is ouptputing DMX to the dimmer racks on Port A. The RPU and Ti are also outputting to the dimmer racks with sACN. The Paradigm is outputting DMX to the racks on Port B. While Paradigm is sending levels to the dimmer racks via Port B, the RPU is powered down, effectively interrupting sACN input to the dimmer racks. When this happens, the dimmer rack ignores the values being sent on DMX Port B and all the lights turn off. Why is that?

  • The best way round this problem is to route the sACN to the dimmer through the Paradigm Processor and into the DMX ports for the CEM3. You will need to get a Authorized Service Centre or someone from ETC to reprogram you paradigm processor to make this work but this should be the basics of how to set this up.

    In Paradigm there is a option on the Channels patched via DMX to be HTP without Priority which would avoid the problems with the Priority jump in EOS.

    Depending on what channels are in Paradigm and what are in EOS will depend on what you need to do but here is a example of how i have done it before.

    HouseLights are Patched in both EOS and Paradigm. In Paradigm sACN Universe 1 is set as a input to the DMX output going to your CEM3. These channels are set to HTP without Priority.

    In the CEM3 you set all your channels that are not controlled via Paradigm (E.g. Production Dimming) to 0 in the patch for the DMX B Input. and Set your DMX Input Priority to 200. Any channel that is set to 0 wont be controlled via the DMX input and therefor wont be forced to 0.

    Leave the houselights patched to sACN1. This is because should your Paradigm processor fail and the DMX B goes away the sACN will take over.

    If you have work lights in your dimmer racks that are controlled via paradigm but you dont want them to be controlled via the desk there is also settings for making paradigm not allow those DMX address through from the desk so it only uses its internal control.

    If you discuss this with your local ASC or ETC Technical Services they should be able to advise further.

  • The best way round this problem is to route the sACN to the dimmer through the Paradigm Processor and into the DMX ports for the CEM3. You will need to get a Authorized Service Centre or someone from ETC to reprogram you paradigm processor to make this work but this should be the basics of how to set this up.

    In Paradigm there is a option on the Channels patched via DMX to be HTP without Priority which would avoid the problems with the Priority jump in EOS.

    Depending on what channels are in Paradigm and what are in EOS will depend on what you need to do but here is a example of how i have done it before.

    HouseLights are Patched in both EOS and Paradigm. In Paradigm sACN Universe 1 is set as a input to the DMX output going to your CEM3. These channels are set to HTP without Priority.

    In the CEM3 you set all your channels that are not controlled via Paradigm (E.g. Production Dimming) to 0 in the patch for the DMX B Input. and Set your DMX Input Priority to 200. Any channel that is set to 0 wont be controlled via the DMX input and therefor wont be forced to 0.

    Leave the houselights patched to sACN1. This is because should your Paradigm processor fail and the DMX B goes away the sACN will take over.

    If you have work lights in your dimmer racks that are controlled via paradigm but you dont want them to be controlled via the desk there is also settings for making paradigm not allow those DMX address through from the desk so it only uses its internal control.

    If you discuss this with your local ASC or ETC Technical Services they should be able to advise further.

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