Is there an Idle Wattage draw for a Sensor 2.4Kw Dimmer?

Is there a wattage draw when a Sensor dimmer is at zero with a 575W Source Four is plugged into it?

  • Good question. I don't have real numbers, but based on the technology, it is almost immeasurable. Now, if you include the CEM, it is a few mA, but also not much.

    Might I ask why you ask this question, because we may have some different information for you.



  • Hi David,

    We are submitting a rebate request for the LED Source Fours and D40s that we purchased for our theatre. The gentleman that is working with us from our local Hydro company asked for a direct comparison between the LED units and the Source Fours and Fresnel's we are replacing. That request include the idle wattage/amperage. The figures for the LED fixtures are available in the fixture manuals.

    I'm pretty sure the figure is negligible enough to not make a real difference, but he asked.
  • Hi Charles,

    Sounds like a great project. Yes, you are correct that it is negligible.

    If the LEDs are placed on a relay system and powered off when not in use, then the idle current is also zero, if that helps. Otherwise, yes the LED info for idle is what should be referenced during power on.

    Let me know if you need additional help.


  • Hi Charles,

    Sounds like a great project. Yes, you are correct that it is negligible.

    If the LEDs are placed on a relay system and powered off when not in use, then the idle current is also zero, if that helps. Otherwise, yes the LED info for idle is what should be referenced during power on.

    Let me know if you need additional help.


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