Hello all,
I've got a brand new set of CEM3srunning my Sensor racks--two months old--and I've started getting frequent error messages that are at least half lies. I'm contacting my local service rep, of course, but if anyone's got some troubleshooting suggestions I could start on my own, I'd be grateful.
Extremely frequent "AF dim removed" on a houselight dimmer no one is removing. Same dimmer every error message, active & clears multiple times even in a minute.
In a different rack for the last week: "AF breaker tripped," which is at least accurate reporting as the breaker in question has tripped. The load has not changed, though: 1kw; as soon as I reset it, it tripped again.
My Echo relays are also reporting a tripped breaker. :It's not, but there's no power coming out.
I've got an electrician coming in to check the actual box in question re: the tripped breakers--they're in the same drop box, multicable on a winch, it's not impossible there's some kind of shorting going on, which has happened to us once before--but how do I investigate the truthfulness of the AF messages themselves? Two different cards, yeh, in two different racks?
Echo relays v2.