CEM3 throwing false error message(s)

Hello all,

I've got a brand new set of CEM3srunning my Sensor racks--two months old--and I've started getting frequent error messages that are at least half lies. I'm contacting my local service rep, of course, but if anyone's got some troubleshooting suggestions I could start on my own, I'd be grateful.


Extremely frequent "AF dim removed" on a houselight dimmer no one is removing. Same dimmer every error message, active & clears multiple times even in a minute.

In a different rack for the last week: "AF breaker tripped," which is at least accurate reporting as the breaker in question has tripped. The load has not changed, though: 1kw; as soon as I reset it, it tripped again.

My Echo relays are also reporting a tripped breaker. :It's not, but there's no power coming out.

I've got an electrician coming in to check the actual box in question re: the tripped breakers--they're in the same drop box, multicable on a winch, it's not impossible there's some kind of shorting going on, which has happened to us once before--but how do I investigate the truthfulness of the AF messages themselves? Two different cards, yeh, in two different racks?



Echo relays v2.

  • Hello Anne,

    Your best bet with a new install is always your local service rep/dealer.

    But for future reference to others:

    Breaker tripping:-

    If your breaker is repeatedly physical tripping, this indicates an electrical fault (be it with the module, install, or fixtures) and should be investigated by a qualified electrician.

    False AF Errors: - 

    There are many parts involved with the AF system, the key to fixing this is identifying where the problem is located.

    The first step would be to ensure the AF error is indeed false, and doesn't clear. In the case of "AF Dim Removed", this is quite easy. Is the module inserted and powered?!

    Next check the module is in fact an AF module? The module labeling on the right hand side should contain the letters "AF".

    Is the fault module or slot specific? Swap the module with another suitable module, does the fault stay with the module or slot?

    (The following should be done by a competent person)

    Are the control ribbon cables fully inserted? WITH THE RACK POWER ISOLATED, check that the ribbon cables on the back of the CEM backplane fully inserted at both ends?

    Is the AF card functional? WITH THE RACK POWER ISOLATED, swap the AF cards around. Paying attention to the dip switch settings (details can be found on Page 31 of the Sensor3 Installation Guide - http://www.etcconnect.com/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10737461334). Does the fault follow the AF card?

    And finally hardware wise, does the fault follow the CEM? If you have multiple racks, if you swap CEMs does the fault follow the CEM? (Backup the config before hand).

    Config wise, with load reporting, it maybe worth increasing the AF Sensitivity value, and reaction times. These are tweak-able items depending on the install/load types installed.

    Don't forget that Tech Service is always available on the end of a phone! :)



  • Hello Anne,

    Your best bet with a new install is always your local service rep/dealer.

    But for future reference to others:

    Breaker tripping:-

    If your breaker is repeatedly physical tripping, this indicates an electrical fault (be it with the module, install, or fixtures) and should be investigated by a qualified electrician.

    False AF Errors: - 

    There are many parts involved with the AF system, the key to fixing this is identifying where the problem is located.

    The first step would be to ensure the AF error is indeed false, and doesn't clear. In the case of "AF Dim Removed", this is quite easy. Is the module inserted and powered?!

    Next check the module is in fact an AF module? The module labeling on the right hand side should contain the letters "AF".

    Is the fault module or slot specific? Swap the module with another suitable module, does the fault stay with the module or slot?

    (The following should be done by a competent person)

    Are the control ribbon cables fully inserted? WITH THE RACK POWER ISOLATED, check that the ribbon cables on the back of the CEM backplane fully inserted at both ends?

    Is the AF card functional? WITH THE RACK POWER ISOLATED, swap the AF cards around. Paying attention to the dip switch settings (details can be found on Page 31 of the Sensor3 Installation Guide - http://www.etcconnect.com/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10737461334). Does the fault follow the AF card?

    And finally hardware wise, does the fault follow the CEM? If you have multiple racks, if you swap CEMs does the fault follow the CEM? (Backup the config before hand).

    Config wise, with load reporting, it maybe worth increasing the AF Sensitivity value, and reaction times. These are tweak-able items depending on the install/load types installed.

    Don't forget that Tech Service is always available on the end of a phone! :)



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