Questions about Unison dimmers

Not sure if this is in the right area but...

A client I am bidding a job for has a permanent install of a 24way Unison dimmer rack.  They still have room to patch into it and would like to put the houselights (chandeliers with 4X100 watt lamps in them) on dimmers.  I was researching and came across the architectural station processor for the Unison dimmer rack.  Is that a necessity for routing the houselights to the dimmer rack?  I do not recall seeing one already on their system so I am just trying to make sure I can give them the best deal and most complete information possible. 



  • Hello Steve,


    I’m assuming you do not currently have any Unison stations connected. (Please verify that the control module type is CMd. This will be noted on the front of the unit.)

    When you say you have room to ‘patch in’ the chandlers, I assume you have extra dimmer positions in the rack. If this is the case you can connect the wire and add the needed dimmer module/s as needed (You might have ‘blank’ airflow modules installed now or you might have extra dimmer modules). You will then be able to control the lights with DMX.

    If you wish to have a control station for the house lights then you will need several new components (Assuming you only now have a CMd)

    1)    CMEd control module

    2)    Unison Architectural Option Board for the rack

    3)    Button station

    4)    Wire runs between the rack and the station

    Please feel free to call ETC at 1-800-688-4116 and ask for Technical Service. If you have the Job Name and/or number, they will be able to help you determine exactly what you have and what you will need to get you want you want.



    [edited by: mmeskill at 12:00 (GMT -6) on Mon, Jul 28 2008]