My working place own a SR48 rack, so a Sensor module for 96 dimmer, running into the walls. It was bought 20 years ago for tradtionnal lighting gear, but now we're thinking about adding some moving to the setup.
In fact, we won't lose our trad gear either, because we always adapt to the venue, that way those dimmer gonna be used for the trad or the moving light.
If we do so, can we juste update the software of the Sensor module to have the right ouptut for the moving lights ( and in non-dimm) or we have to upgrade something.
If we upgrade, what should we change ?
PS: I'm asking here because Solotech is giving me like half-answer and we are not sure if we should buy their option.
Ps 2 : Sorry for my rusty English, I'm from Qc :)