Sensor Dimmer Rack (CD80)

Hi, last night, I had a message pop up on our #2 Sensor Dimmer rack display screen and the 3 little red LED lights way up at the top of the rack were blinking on and off.

The message the Sensor Dimmer LCD was displaying said:  Rack:2  1st  UD#: 92    OVERTEMP: 185

So I know a dimmer pack must be too warm, so I am going to pull them out and clean everything out to make sure they have adequate airflow.  Do I need to RESET anything to remove that code and make the dimmer run again?  Also, does that error message give an idea of what dimmer is the problem?  meaning is it dimmer 92??

Thanks for any help. 

  • Hi,

    Yes - so that message indicates that a single module within your rack is getting too warm. What the LCD means is that the first dimmer in your rack is number 92 - the one that has the actual overtemp error is number 185. Which one that actually is depends on how your rack is set up, but my guess would be that it's the 32nd module counting down from the top of the rack. Your rack might be labelled to the side of the modules, which would help find it.

    Anyway : when a module gets too hot like that, the error is "sticky" meaning that it stays there until you clear it. If you're not in show mode you can clear it by just pressing the rest button (all lights go off), otherwise you should be able to navigate to the error list and press enter to clear that one.

    I would recommend cleaning the rack and the airflow filter in front of it (with the power off if you are removing modules), and then test that dimmer and see if it comes back.

    It is also possible for a hardware fault to cause this problem, but I'd rule out airflow or heat problems first.

    Hope that helps!


  • Tom...thanks for the quick reply. So I pulled out dimmer module #32..but I'm NOT sure if that is the correct one. My dimmers are labeled a bit odd. Does the number 185, correspond directly with the dimmer module labeled 185/186? Mine are numbered down the left hand side.  I pulled dimmer module in the 32nd slot out, and cleaned it, along with several others.  I reinstalled them, and pushed the reset button..and I still get a message that starts out saying  OVERTEMP: 185, then it switched to say OVERTEMP 186.  

    I will attach a couple images of how our rack is labeled, and the lcd display itself. 

  • Tom...thanks for the quick reply. So I pulled out dimmer module #32..but I'm NOT sure if that is the correct one. My dimmers are labeled a bit odd. Does the number 185, correspond directly with the dimmer module labeled 185/186? Mine are numbered down the left hand side.  I pulled dimmer module in the 32nd slot out, and cleaned it, along with several others.  I reinstalled them, and pushed the reset button..and I still get a message that starts out saying  OVERTEMP: 185, then it switched to say OVERTEMP 186.  

    I will attach a couple images of how our rack is labeled, and the lcd display itself. 

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