I have a pair of 96 channel Sensor install racks circa 1999.

Both CEM displays read CONFIG MISMATCH but the dimmers have been responding normally.  Untill now.

I have a random circuit that is unresponsive to DMX commands from the console. The circuit has a dimmer doubler with a pair of Source 4 pars.  (We utilize lots of dimmer doublers, we know how they work) 

I swop the module with a known working one from the rack=no change.

I reset the rack from the CEM=no change

I press [CLEAR] on the CEM=It reads SYSTEM OK then shows the OVERTEMP message for the unresponsive circuit.

I swop the module with a spare, reset the rack from the CEM=the dimmer(s) are responsive.  The CONFIG MISMATCH error is still present of  course.

So, are the two problems related?  We have good air flow in the problematic rack, it is full of dimmer modules.  The rack fan is working.  The air filters are clean.  The dimmer room is at an appropriate temperature.

What do I do next?

  • It sounds like you have a couple of different things going on :

    First, your Overtemp problem sounds most likely due to a bad dimmer - so am I correctly understanding that when you swap the dimmer module for the circuit that is unresponsive and press CLEAR, the problem goes away?

    That probably means the power cube in the dimmer module is sending out a false overtemperature message. The easiest solution to this is just to swap the power cube if you are comfortable reparing the dimmer module yourself - it's a very simple operation. The part number is printed on the cube (e.g. Q141) and you can get one from your ETC dealer.

    The Config Mismatch message is nothing too much to worry about - it will not affect the running of the system, it just means one rack contains different configuration data to the other. If you want to try to get rid of this, you can try transferring the configuration from one rack to the other (Rack Transfer) - this is covered in the manual. Personally I would leave it however, as you might lose system information doing so (if one racks config is incorrect for the other, for some reason).


    Hope that helps



