Sensor 3 With 0-10V Dimming

I was looking around today, and It's possible I missed it, does the Sensor 3 Have an option card for 0-10V dimming like a few of the other products. Or is this a case where you would use the 0-10V Gateway?

  • Nope, I'm afraid not. The big problem with Sensor3 and 0-10V is that it was designed long before 0-10V was a common requirement, so it doesn't have space or terminals for any kind of additional termination.

    Your best option would be an external box and a 0-10V gateway to control the 0-10V lines separately.

  • Nope, I'm afraid not. The big problem with Sensor3 and 0-10V is that it was designed long before 0-10V was a common requirement, so it doesn't have space or terminals for any kind of additional termination.

    Your best option would be an external box and a 0-10V gateway to control the 0-10V lines separately.
