CEM + Network configuration

Hi All,

I have tried many times beofre to get Network configuration working with the CEM+ and once again I find myself unable to do so. Is there anyone out there who can walk me through step by step how to set a dimmer to either switch or non-dim on a Sensor+ rack with the new style CEM+

  • Howdy Pjveltri,

    are you an end-user, or a dealer? Usually your dealer will help you to configure your CEM+ correctly.

    Changing configuration in your CEM+ could cause problems, if you aren't trained how to do this. 

    What Software Version is your CEM+? - V2.0.0, V2.2.0, or V3.0.0. You can see the Software Version,

    when the CEM+ boots up.

    Which site is this Sensor Rack at?

    You can download the Sensor CEM+ Manual from our website :


    On page 4 of this manual it explains how to connect to your CEM+ from a webbrowser (Internet Explorer 6).

    Is there a network connection to your Sensor Rack? You need to verify this, and then connect to that network via

    your laptop, and then follow the instructions in the manual to connect to the CEM+.


    Please answer the questions above, and then we can continue on with the process, or better contact ETC Tech Services

    directly and they can explain it to you on the phone:

    For technical support in the Americas, please call 608/831-4116, or toll-free in the U.S. at 800/688-4116.
    For technical support in Europe, please call (+44) 20 8896 1000.
    For technical support in Germany, please call (+49) 8024 4700-0
    For technical support in Asia, please call (+852) 2799 1220.