CEM+ v3.0 Patching absolut ACN Adresses

In Version 3.0 there is a change in Patching ACN Adresses.

In Version 2.2 it was possible to patch ACN with absolut Adresses,

like 513 instead of DMX 2/1.

I do not understand why it is changend in v3.0. So i have patch every

single of my 222 dimmers (4 Sensor racks) on version 2.2 with absolut

ACN adresses (also on my ION). In v3.0 the information in the patch ist lost.

It is a step back to kill the way of using absolut adresses on ACN

(in EDMX it is possible in v3).

Please bring it back, or find a way to use both forms of adressing (like on ION/EOS ,

where you can use both ways).


Stefan Staub

(Lighting Designer)

University of Nusic and Dramatic Arts Munich



  • Hi Stefan,

    You are correct that with CEM+ 3.0 the addressing moved to a Universe/Channel type address rather than the old absolute addressing system. Truth is that sACN always works this way behind the scenes - it's very fundamentally a way to move DMX like data (in blocks of 512 channels) around on a network. The only reason that CEM+ temporarily still used the absolute value was that the user interface work for the web UI was not easy to add universe/channel support.

    In terms of configuration on the racks, do you have/do you use Dimstat? It allows you to select either a Universe/Channel or an absolute address view when you edit your patch, somewhat similar to Eos. From the web UI in the racks only the Universe/Channel view is available.

    Hope that helps.



  • Hi Tom,

    i don't have Dimstat, so i can't use it for absolut adresses.

    May be that you will give us in a future release the possibility both

    ways of adresing in the web GUI.

    I think that the use of absolut adresses is more practical in houses

    with larger systems. For example my way of a patch rout i use:

    Circuit No: 601

    Dimmer Patch Adress: ACN 601

    ION Patch adress: ACN 601

    Channel No: 601 

    So, in this way you have not to think about Universes an DMX-Adresses

    for the whole rout, its always the same number and makes ist easier

    for solving problems.


    Thank You


    Stefan Staub

  • Well, I certainly agree with you for circuit numbering, so we'll discuss this with the dimming development team. If you need to reconfigure your dimming system regularly you might like to consider getting Dimstat, it provides easier editing facilities than the Web Browser, and multiple show storage, etc, as well as fault reporting. Sadly it's not free, but I would talk to whoever provided your system to see if they can help.



  • Well, I certainly agree with you for circuit numbering, so we'll discuss this with the dimming development team. If you need to reconfigure your dimming system regularly you might like to consider getting Dimstat, it provides easier editing facilities than the Web Browser, and multiple show storage, etc, as well as fault reporting. Sadly it's not free, but I would talk to whoever provided your system to see if they can help.



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