Hello all! Long time fan, first time post!
I have three installed, 96 dimmer, Sensor AF racks for a total of 260 dims. Wait you say, 96 times 3 is 288! you are correct. 28 of the dimmers were never circuited. I have just installed a stagepin panel to address this. So now I am trying to get the CEM classic, it's an older version, don't have the number on me now sorry, to see those dimmers. It appears that the original config was limmited to 260 dimmers. Why anyone would do this IDK!
Anyway...I talked with tech support and they had me do a reconfig at the rack, it worked for about two mins then had a system error and could not get that resolved.
I'm still working with tech on this issue, but Im wondering if others have had this issue and what they did to resolve it.
Lorin Sly
Head Elect, Keller Aud, Portland OR. ETCP CEE # 624