SP24 Rack, Dim 1-8 Work Fine, 9-24 Jump to 60% when set to 5%

Hi all, i've got an old-ish Sensor 24 dimmer portable rack (Model SP-2420BV).  Used to work fine, but a couple months ago it went to a gig at a convention center, and while running the show i noticed that most of the dimmers would jump to 60% as soon as i gave them any signal, then fade up (relatively) normally from there to 100%.  Lots of testing afterwards, and its the dimmer rack for sure.  Here is what i've done:

Swapped Modules, but the same dimmers act up, the problem doesnt follow the modules.

Swapped CEM (CEM Classic version 3 something i believe), no change.

Opened it up and ripped it apart:  Nothing looks wrong, no burned components or anything, and properly set for 3-phase.

I've gone into the CEM and done the restore factory defaults bit, but no change there.

So, anyone have any idea's what is going on?  The system at one point may have been hooked up to a 3-phase power source while configured for a single phase power source, but i dont see anything burned out, and im not sure where else something COULD be burned out...

I did call emergency tech support about this when it happened, but obviously never managed to fix it.

On a side note, how i've been testing it is setting all the dimmers to 5% from the CEM brain and plugging in a lamp to each SPG connector.

Anyone know where i can get a wiring schematic so i can check actually component meter values against what they should be?

Thanks for the help.
