Sensor Installation retrofit

I am looking at adding a second Sensor 48 installation rack to our facility and am hoping to find something resembling a configuration guide so I can talk intelligently with our local supplier. The second rack is to provide additional circuits to the stage and another space, rather than increase available power so I am trying to sort out what that means in terms of the right combination of bits to make it happen.

In order to put in the second rack we are going to have to rotate the existing rack 90 degrees (long story...), which likely means a disconnect and reconnect of all terminations.

So my questions:

  1. What is the difference between a Sensor Rack and an Auxilliary Rack.
  2. Can a bus kit be installed on the existing rack or are we better off treating the second rack as a standalone installation.
  3. Is there any documentation that shows some typical system configurations for 2 racks that has a little more detail than the documents I have been able to find in the Products page and Wiki?


  • Sorry you have to rework stuff and you certainly have a few challenges.  To give you brief answers:

    1. An Aux rack only contains bus bars, breakers, etc as needed.  Typically they would provide the point at which the feeder terminates and then a copper bus structure connects from the Aux to the Sensor Racks.

    2. Sensor racks that are bussed are built a little differently than stand alone racks.  There is a support bar in the back, the ground plate is different and a few other parts are added to the phase bars.  Can we make the mods in the field?  Perhaps.  We'd have to look at the install.

    3. I'm assuming you need some drawings for two bussed racks?  The installation manual does show some details.  If that doesn't help, please let me know and I will send you some additional drawings.

    That help?


  • Sorry you have to rework stuff and you certainly have a few challenges.  To give you brief answers:

    1. An Aux rack only contains bus bars, breakers, etc as needed.  Typically they would provide the point at which the feeder terminates and then a copper bus structure connects from the Aux to the Sensor Racks.

    2. Sensor racks that are bussed are built a little differently than stand alone racks.  There is a support bar in the back, the ground plate is different and a few other parts are added to the phase bars.  Can we make the mods in the field?  Perhaps.  We'd have to look at the install.

    3. I'm assuming you need some drawings for two bussed racks?  The installation manual does show some details.  If that doesn't help, please let me know and I will send you some additional drawings.

    That help?


  • Thanks for the speedy response David. The linked document looks like it can answer most of my questions.

    I'm not the least bit sorry we have to rework things. Our existing rack has been in place since 1996 and has given us yeoman service and fit within our budget at the time. Being in a position to finally fit up our rehearsal room as a blackbox theatre and "un-twin" stage circuits is a nice problem to have. :) It would have been nice if the original dimmer closet had been built correctly, but it wasn't so now we have to rebuild the closet to accommodate the second rack and fix a clearance issue with the Sensor doors when oriented as they should have been in the first place.

    The HVAC in the rehearsal room is a bigger problem, since it was never built to spec, encroaches on the grid, and is too noisy for performances, not that ETC can do anything about that.

    Assuming we go ahead I will be working through our local ETC supplier (ChristieLites Ottawa) to iron out the details.
