By way of background,
- We have recently added another SR48+ to our theatre. We have dimmers 1-150 assigned to the auditorium (Room 1), and dimmers 151-192 assigned to the rehearsal hall (Room 2).
- The auditorium uses, in order of priority, sACN, EDMX, DMX A, Smartlink (presets 1-5)
- The rehearsal hall is configured for DMX B and Smartlink (presets 6-10)
In an ideal world, we would like to use sACN and/or EDMX in the rehearsal hall but if we attempt to use the same protocol in both spaces, if the console in the auditorium is on, and sACN is enabled in the patch for the rehearsal hall, the auditorium console takes control.
I am hoping it's just a configuration issue, but is there any combination of patch and priority that would allow the Sensor rack to enforce complete independence of the auditorium and the rehearsal hall, so either room could use the same protocol without stomping on each other?
[edited by: sk8rs_dad at 1:06 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, Oct 1 2010]