Upgrade CEM 2 to CEM 3



I have been getting some anomalies when setting up dimmer doubling, stuff like EDMX/No Control and other inconsistent behavior, though they generally work fine.  I would like to upgrade the firmware to CEM v3.  Any icky things that might arise or red flags?  Do the system configurations get whacked during the upgrade?  Does it cost money?

Thanks for any assistance or insight.

[edited by: eugp at 11:52 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Oct 4 2010]
  • The upgrade from CEM+ version 2.0 to the latest (currently 3.1.1) is free - but we don't post the software on the public website as there are a few gotchas to watch for during upgrade.

    The best thing to do would be to give ETC tech support a call. They can walk through the issues you're seeing to make sure they are software bugs and not a configuration problem, and, assuming they are, will be able to send you the software and walk you through the installation process. It's not difficult but like I said there are a few things to watch out for.

    Assuming they're in the US you can reach them at 1-800-688-4116.

