Straight DMX into a SensorRack

Rip Van Winkle here. Out of the loop for 20+ years, I jumped at the chance to light a kid's play. I wrote a program that sends dmx (1-512) to my shoebox dimmers. The program also plays the many wave files that make up the show's music and sound effects. It worked great. Now the director tells me we're reprising the show in a high school auditorium theater. He doesn't realize that the "magic" of the show is the combination of lights and sound coming out of that PC! I took a look at the new venue and I THINK it has ETC link. (Wasn't sure what I was looking for when I was looking!) There is an Express 24/42 console and 2 Sensor Racks (one is 48 and the other is 24) How can I be sure it's ETCLink? And if it really is ETClink, can I just send my dmx to the Sensor racks?

  • Well, if they are CEM's and NOT CEM+'s then you have ETCLink.....unless you have NET1/NET2 devices like RVI, etc, but even still, a CEM "classic" can ONLY receive hard DMX.

  • Thank you, Bruce!

    Here's hoping for classic CEM.


  • Rob,

    You should have DMX and ETC Link.  ETC Link is a remote management/information communication with the ETC Sensor Classic(Red Beacon Lights) Rack and ETC consoles.  Do not try to plug DMX into or out of ETC Link.


    Sounds like you will want to unplug the dmx line from the Express and plug in your "magic box" if it outputs DMX.  You will have to change your patching on your "magic box" to output the correct levels to the right dimmers on the sensor rack.



  • Thank you Seth,

    Are the red beacon lights on the CEM? Or on top of the rack? I'm worried now because I didn't notice anything that looked like it belonged on a police car... I've made a huge mental note to avoid the ETC Link. (if I'm lucky enough to be working with one) My first priority is to avoid any damage to the house equipment; my second priority is to avoid damage to my equipment. Thanks for helping me rule out risk. I should identify the real magic in the magic box... . My app sends strings of values that make the DMX512-A controller happy. The controller does all the DMX work based on my simple commands. The show uses just 20 faders (faders are plain old scroll bars in my app) because I had 5 shoeboxes.

    I did build in patching capability. The DMX channel assignment window is a listbox showing all 512 DMX channels with a checkbox for each channel. When a channel's checkbox is checked, 255 is sent to that channel.  Clicking on a channel brings up a list of faders. Selecting a fader from the list of faders tells the DMX channel which fader to run on. The faders all have editable names, but I don't plan to change those names since the show hasn't changed. The DMX channels names are also editable, but I don't think I'll have time to do anything but initialize those names back to channel numbers.

    Best regards -Rob

  • The 'Beacon' is a large LED light at the top of the rack - it glows at the top of the door when the door is closed.
    It lights up solid if the Sensor rack is powered and happy, and blinks if the rack wants attention.

    - By the way, all Sensor dimmer racks can recieve DMX - whether Classic or Plus.
    And don't worry too much about ETC Link, as it's not a 5-pin XLR connector like DMX so you'd need to use a custom adapter cable to connect your box to it - which tends to be a pretty good hint that you've got the wrong socket!

    Almost all theatres have some way of getting DMX into their dimmers, be that via some kind of network box (like an ETC Gateway), or a DMX-to-analogue (demux) converter if they have older analogue dimmers, or aomething else.

    Generally, you'll just unplug the DMX cable from the 'house' lighting console and plug it into the 'visiting' lighting console.

    The house tech will be able to show you exactly where to plug your DMX controller in.

  • Well this just keeps looking better and better. Thanks Richard! I was assuming that the Link conductors came in on the unused pins of the 5 pin XLR.  I'm sure glad I tapped this resource, you folks are patient and generous.  So far I've been given a tour of the gym/auditorium by the high school principal ... who told me in advance he couldn't answer technical questions. He directed me to the head of the theater dept., and I'm waiting to hear back from her.  You have also made HER life easier by helping me learn what to ask and how to ask it!


  • Having worked in and on many High Schools I predict that the drama teacher doesn't know if there is DMX or not. She will know only what is required to get the shows up, everything else gets lost due to higher priorities in the school environment.

    Look at the back of the Express as Richard says - Otherwise

    • Look at every wallplate in the booth and backstage.
    • Note both the lable and what kind of connector - As Richard mentions there might be other ways in.
    • Look at the dimmer rack and any electronics near by - especially anything else that says ETC on it!

    If you don't see a 3 or 5 pin male that says "DMX Input" tell us what you do see. We can be more specific with better information.

  • Makes sense RickR... Thanks to all you all I am massively better prepared for my next site visit. Will proceed as advised-


  • The system is certainly ETCNet, not ETCLink. (Wish I had known then what I know now) I hoped to see a sticker from a local installer somewhere on the system but all the nameplates and stickers only show ETC.

    Back of house, front of house as well as proscenium left and right have one-gang ETC wallplates with RJ45 jacks like Neutrik NE8FAH. They are all labelled "ETCNet". The facility  has 2 Sensor+ racks: One is an SR48+ and the other is an SR12+. The SR48+ is populated with a mix of AFM and D20E dimmers. The SR12+ has only AFM. Both racks have a CEM+ control module.

    The console is an Express model 4210A1005 and the back panel looks like the back panel on page 3 of this document:  The console ETCNet jack goes to a Linksys SD205E switch. A PC on the console cart also plugs into the switch. And I assume the third patch cord from the switch plugs into one of the ETCNet jacks spread around the facility (Nobody was around to confirm this).

    Near each ETCNet RJ45 is a separate one gang ETC plate with a 6 pin female that looks like a 6 pin xlr but has a screw on shell threads. It's labeled Unison. The Unison controller is on the console cart. I presume (guess) its for house light control? And or patching?

    Please let me know if I missed anything. Looks like I need a DMX node?

  • Are you saying that the Express is ONLY connected via ETCNet? or is there a hardline DMX from the Express?  If there is DMX you are all set...but yea, no DMX=Need Node

    The 6 pin screw shell is indeed for Unison portable stations


  • Yes, I think Express is ONLY connected via ETCNet. I saw no way in other than the RJ45's labelled "ETCNet" scattered around the facility. So where does one go for a Node? The first place I look will be a liquor store. If that fails, where next? Are these Nodes generally for rent?

  • The PC you see on the cart may be an Emphasis server from ETC, which makes the Express console a ETCNet 2 capable console.  An Express in standalone mode only speaks ETCNet 1, which is not compatible with the Sensor+ dimmers. Do you know if you need to boot the PC for the console to run?  This would help confirm if it is an Emphasis system or not.

    It doesn't sound like you will be able to easily get DMX from another console into this system given that you haven't found a DMX input jack.  That is, unless you have an ETCNet 2 input Node, or an ETCNet3 input gateway.  These are very similar devices which can be configured to take DMX from any DMX capable device and convert it to ETCNet2 or ETCNet3(Streaming ACN.) This would put the signal onto the network, and allow your controller to drive the dimmers.

    If any of the stickers from ETC have a Job number on them, ETC tech support can usually look up who the dealer was, and if they have a contact number for them.  If not, tech support may have other options for you to make this work.


    Good luck.



  • Ah, thanks- this is getting even more interesting- Right now I can't tell you if the PC needs to be up because the drama dept at the high school is knee deep into its own show and (I understand completely why) I can't get a call back.  I did see what looked like an installation sticker inside a wall mounted Unison relay cabinet. It had the name of the school written on it. Would that serve as a traceable job number? I also have the console serial number. I'd like to rent an ETCNet 2 input Node if that's what I need, or an ETCNet3 input gateway. Armed with this invaluable information I'm put in a voicemail with the local ETC agent. Not sure how naive it is to ask about renting an input node or gateway. I hope this fellow will call me back and tell me! 


  • Ah, thanks- this is getting even more interesting- Right now I can't tell you if the PC needs to be up because the drama dept at the high school is knee deep into its own show and (I understand completely why) I can't get a call back.  I did see what looked like an installation sticker inside a wall mounted Unison relay cabinet. It had the name of the school written on it. Would that serve as a traceable job number? I also have the console serial number. I'd like to rent an ETCNet 2 input Node if that's what I need, or an ETCNet3 input gateway. Armed with this invaluable information I'm put in a voicemail with the local ETC agent. Not sure how naive it is to ask about renting an input node or gateway. I hope this fellow will call me back and tell me! 


  • Rob,

    What is the name of the High School? I might be able to get you some more specific information about the ETC side of things.




  • I'm developing a genuine fondness for ETC. I see why you are everywhere! The school is St. Pius X, Kansas City Missouri.

  • System Info for St. Pius X, Kansas City Missouri

    ETC Job # 119031

    The dealer was:


    307 West 80th Street
    Kansas City, MO 64114-2376
    Phone: (816) 523-1655 Fax: (816) 523-1690

    SR12+ and SR48+

    Unison Architectural stations to ER4 in Wall mount equipment rack

    Express 24/48 with Emphasis 2D-500 (both connected to a 5-port Switch)

    Switch is connected to Control Booth plug-in via Cat5 (no DMX input anywhere)

    Net plug-ins: Booth, Stage Right, Apron, Stage Left and 2@ Touring Node configured for ‘output’ (these are  portable Net2 nodes).

    You can configure the output node to be in input node using NCE (network configuration editor) and then add a 5-pin turnaround to input into the female connector.

    Please give us a call for added help if needed.


    Mike Meskill

    European Service Manager, ETC

  • Mike, you gave me the keys I needed. I've got voicemail and email out to the dealer including a link to this thread. My sincere thanks to all respondents for their generous allowance of time, knowledge and rich experience.

    Best regards,


  • Rob,

    It was good talking with you this morning.  I trust that our NCE reconfigured Net2 Two Port node did meet your needs once you had a chance to sort out the facility patch?