Voltage Drop After Plugging In Load


On a TV show in NY.   I have 2 stages, each with 400+ sensor dimmers.  On certain channels voltage is measured at output as 122 VAC.  After applying a load (2000watts)  output voltage was measured at 93 VAC.  this only happens on particular channels with no apparent pattern.

Seen this before?  Am in the process of ruling out Dimmer Trays and checking rack setup.   Channel is not profiled in ION

  • Are these installed racks, or tour racks?

    Might be a bad connection in the wiring to your fixture... (loose 6ckt soca connector...?)

    Might be a long run?  and need bigger gauge wire..

  • yea, we have @ 200' of soca on each output.  I'm thinking this is line loss.  Can the CEM+ be tweaked to increase its output voltage?

    touring racks, in a TV studio situation.  

  • Yes, it can, with one caveat.  I'm sure you know this but I'll mention it to get it on record in this thread.

    While you can adjust the upper end of the voltage scaling, the dimmer cannot manufacture voltage.  You will only get out what is put in at the rack (i.e. if you are putting in 120VAC, you cannot get the dimmer to output 125VAC.)

    This info is all in the CEM+ manual, but short form (with possible incorrect menu names,) access is in the Dimmer Setup menu (you may need to log in as a Power User,) select the Scaling or Scale Voltage screen, select the dimmer or dimmer range you wish to adjust, and the look for the min scale and max scale options, and adjust as necessary.  This may take several tries to get right.  There is also a section for load percentage, which is used to factor the scaling based on average load of a dimmer.  I believe the default is 35%.  Adjusting this may affect the far end voltage as well.

    Good luck.



  • Can you confirm what type of meter you are reading this on? Make a model is fine. If it is not a true RMS meter, the values can't really be trusted with SCR dimmers.

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