Dimmers Randomly Flashing

Twice in the past couple of months, we have come in to the theatre to discover that all of our lights are on and randomly flashing off occasionally. We've assumed that it could have been due to a power outage, and fixed it by power cycling each of the dimmer packs. But this morning, it happened while a technician was in the building, and just happened again as I was searching the forums for information. There was no power outage, or noticeable surge. It has, so far at least, always happened while the console was powered off.

We have Sensor+ dimmers, running version 2.2.0, with an EOS console connected via a Net3 ACN Gateway.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for the reply. Because the problem was intermittent, it was hard to troubleshoot. But I kinda figured it out with the help of ETC Support. It was something to do with the Unison system sending crazy info to the DMX B channel, so I have turned off the DMX B input on the Sensor rack for now, and we are having a technician come out to service it soon.
