Smartpack Touring System Application

I've got a possible application for (2) 48x1.2kW Smartpack Touring Systems.  For better or worse, my source is 2 legs of a 3 phase 208Y/120V system, with neutral and ground, of course.  I know the Smartpack dimmers can run on full 3-phase 208Y/120V or 240/120V single phase.  My question is can they run on 2 legs of 208Y/120V?  If I'm understanding the internal workings of the dimmer correctly (I'm an electrical engineer), this should work.  However, I'd like for ETC confirm or deny directly before I purchase anything.


Adam Geron

  • Hi Adam,

    We understand that this is a common need in the field.   SmartPack Touring Racks have been successfully performance tested for operation on 2 legs of 3 phase with single phase 240/120V configuration.


    Jake Dunnum 

  • I appreciate the quick response.  I really wish we could just have an electrician come out and run the third leg, but that just isn't financially pheasible.  So basically we just need to setup the dimmers for 240/120V single phase operation and we're good to go.


    Adam Geron

  • I appreciate the quick response.  I really wish we could just have an electrician come out and run the third leg, but that just isn't financially pheasible.  So basically we just need to setup the dimmers for 240/120V single phase operation and we're good to go.


    Adam Geron

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