
Recently hooked up smartpack and when I engage the console I have no controll of dimmer and ait seems several channels are hot and in a sequence mode allthough sequencer is disabled ???? If I turn off console, pack returns to normal Help

  • You've probably done it, but check your DMX cables.

    You can also do a deep clear of the system to erase any leftovers - (call tech support!)

  •  I’m trying to troubleshoot a dimmer issue and I am stumped.  I have 4 Leprechaun 12 channel packs and 1 ETC smartpack 12 channel pack.  When we fired up all 5 today the smartpack doesn’t seem to be working right.  I can turn on all the channels manually at the dimmer, but I have no control of those same channels from the board.  I’ve checked the addressing and the patch settings and they are all correct.  The DMX light on the Smartpack is flashing which according to the manual means that the dimmer is not receiving DMX.  I know all the cabling is good because the dimmers in the chain after the bad ETC pack are all receiving signal and working fine.  So as best I can tell, it appears that the signal is passing through the pack, but the pack itself is not recognizing the signal.  So my thought is the pack is bad and needs to be serviced.  Am I missing something?  HELP

  • That does sound puzzeling. I would try a little more troubleshooting before sending for the tech.

    Since the smartpack doesn't think its getting DMX- Try taking the console to the dimmers and plug straight in with a short, "known good" cable. Is there another DMX source around to try?

    Bypass the smartpack and see if all the others really are working fine.

    Check for termination on your last pack or light.

    If none of these get your smartpack to work then call tech support -1.800.688.4116
