How to patch non dimmers?

I am working with the ETC element and my school has 12 seachangers and LED lights. We have 67-79 circuits that are non dimming. How do I easily patch these? Note, I dont wanna have to worry about these channels / circuits if at all, if possible. Thanks.

  • By nondim you mean they are ful relay units not dimmers set to fullthrough profiling?


    Well my advice would be just profile them to be always on, as if your LEDs were just plugged into normal power. Otherwise set the profile to relay on the element 

  • If you look in the 'Generics' category when patching your lights you will find ETC have provided two types of Non Dim fixtures.

    -Non Dim at Full

    -Non Dim at 50

    I usually patch to Non Dim at 50 as If you assign them to a sub then a accidental knock won't take out your HP so easily, but you're choice.

    If your Non Dims are actual Non Dims and not just dimmers set at full, then it doesn't really matter as they usually have a On/Off DMX level, but an added bonus with setting the fixture to Non Dim is you have a nice 'ND' in the tombstone on your channel display.

  • To avoid recording these channels anywhere that you don't want them, or even worse, turning them off when you don't want to, you can Park them.

    [Channel numbers] [@] [Full] [Park] [Enter]

    The only way to turn these channels off now is to Un-Park them with the syntax:

    [Channel numbers] [Park] [Enter] [Enter]

    Parked levels are ignored by Record commands. You can see and modify which channels are parked by pressing [Park] [Park]. You can also un-park from this display.


    You may also want to set up a couple of Macros as 'Non Dims on' and 'Non Dims off' for the beginning and end of the day.



  • Also if you make some macros like Graham suggests. I would advice you use the syntax;

    [Channel] [@] [Full] [Enable] [Park] [Enter]

    [Channel] [Disable] [Park] [Enter] [Enter]


    As Park is a toggle function the enable/disable functions will mean if you press the Hard Power Macro, it will definately turn on, instead of toggling.