X10 config for Paradigm

We built our house in 1999 and the lighting is 100% X10 controlled.  I just purchased a Paradigm processor and touch screen from the garage sale.  I am planning on mounting the touch screen in the wall in our great room to mainly control new DMX LED RGB flood lights I am building to light our porch and yard trees and control these via paradigm.  I have a X10 CM11 RS-232 interface.  I was wondering if anybody has written a driver to have X10 talk to Paradigm.  I looked up the X10 CM11 command set and it does not look to bad but why re-invent the wheel if this has allready be done......


  • I took a look at what I could find for a programming guide based on your description: ftp://ftp.x10.com/pub/manuals/cm11a_protocol.txt.

    That uses raw hex values for commands, so you're going to have trouble making that work in Paradigm.  The Processor Serial Send actions only allow you to enter printable ASCII characters.  That means you won't be able to format the commands as required for the interface.  If I'm looking at the wrong thing, feel free to point me in the right direction and I'll see if I can give a more positive answer.

  • I have a similar document for X10.  I did not think you could send Hex codes.  I may need to use my house AMX controller as a "convertor" or gateway between the X10 and Paradigm.  For the devices I am looking to control I only need on-off command.  It should be pretty straight forward to create convertor of a set of ascii strings like HAD01on, HAD02off  house code A device 1 "on" /"off" and so on.... 



  • I have a similar document for X10.  I did not think you could send Hex codes.  I may need to use my house AMX controller as a "convertor" or gateway between the X10 and Paradigm.  For the devices I am looking to control I only need on-off command.  It should be pretty straight forward to create convertor of a set of ascii strings like HAD01on, HAD02off  house code A device 1 "on" /"off" and so on.... 



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