Passcodes for Paradigm touch screens

I know currently the only way to change the passcode for a touch screen is through Light Designer but what happens after we leave the job site and the end user wants to change the code.

Anyone else ran into this before? Has there been and talked to somehow make is possible for the enduser to make the required changes themselves onsite without us??

  • After a long conversation with Technical Support and Apps engineering it was stated that Passcodes are deemed a Security Concern. The aproach they are taking is that the passcodes are set and should not be changable without LD. I Discussed a way to do it from the Web UI or even the processor itself but was strongly denied the request.

    A current job I am working on the End User had to purchase LD and training just to make Passcode changes.

  • After a long conversation with Technical Support and Apps engineering it was stated that Passcodes are deemed a Security Concern. The aproach they are taking is that the passcodes are set and should not be changable without LD. I Discussed a way to do it from the Web UI or even the processor itself but was strongly denied the request.

    A current job I am working on the End User had to purchase LD and training just to make Passcode changes.
