Concert Dimmer Numbering Issues

When using Concert and trying to renumber items in a Straight Sequenced layout using a mix of different module types, some dual density (D20/D20E/D20AF, etc,) and some single Density (D20F) when trying to renumber the rack in a straight sequence, it skips the number for the first lug (switched lug) of the single density module and increments up based on the lower (dimming) lug of the D20F.

With a custom rack that has multiple D20F, AFM, CC20, and D20E modules installed, and the consultant desires the rack to be straight sequenced, I have to manually edit each circuit number and DMX A/DMX B/sACN address manually to keep the sequencing straight.

It doesn't appear to be a bug, but it is a frustration when I can't use the tools in the program to make this easier.  I've attached a png file with this with a screen shot of what I'm talking about.

I was changing the circuit number and DMX/sACN addressing from starting at 85 to starting at 81, and if you see, the circuit numbers have been manually changed from the sequenced number they would have been (81,82, 84...etc) but I haven't yet changed the sACN addresses, which replicate the out of sequence numbering I am concerned with (1/81,1/82,1/84...etc.)

In my opinion, it would be better if the program could resolve the number issue when a single density module is used.  It appears that is does account for the multiple slots (1/4/density) used for a D100AF module, but not D20F, D50AF or any other single density module. 

Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but it would make life much easier if we can use the tools built into the program to their full extent, rather than having to manually edit it if the rack is not a standard layout with no odd modules.