UNISON LEGACY EAC 1.8.0 pre CE Upgrade to 1.9.3???

I have a CMEd that is running 1.8.0 pre CE (no backlight) that would love to be able to Record directed presets in macros, and thus would love to be 1.9.x.

In the past I have "tested" the ability of a CMEd to be upgraded by loading EAC 1.9.3 as RUN_EAC.bin and if it runs, then I can load 1.9.3 as EAC.bin and be good. and of it doesn't  run, I hit reset and I am not bricked.  This unit I have does not run.

What is actually needed to allow the unit I have to load 1.9.3?  Is this a "need more memory installed" or is it bigger than that?  The config has ONLY two 10 button stations and DMX IN and Out.  No LCD stations.

 Can this actually be done?  If it has to be done in the factory, I suspect it will not be worth the cost for what we are trying to do (adding D60's to existing config)

Any thoughts?



  • Hi Bruce: Are you sure that this a pre-CE unit? Pre-CE units should not be upgraded above version 1.5. If this is actually a CE unit, then it should able to be upgraded to v1.9.3, but the hard boot/soft boot procedure described in the instructions may need to be performed. We can check by the part number of the unit to see if it is a CE or Pre-CE unit (or by serial, whichever you have). Thank you, Sasha Aranow ETC Tech Service
  • Hi Bruce: Are you sure that this a pre-CE unit? Pre-CE units should not be upgraded above version 1.5. If this is actually a CE unit, then it should able to be upgraded to v1.9.3, but the hard boot/soft boot procedure described in the instructions may need to be performed. We can check by the part number of the unit to see if it is a CE or Pre-CE unit (or by serial, whichever you have). Thank you, Sasha Aranow ETC Tech Service
  • Oops...you are correct it is a CE unit. But it has no back light....I thought that was an indicator. Maybe dead backlight? and it is 1.8.02 I thought the soft boot/hardboot was for moving past 1.6.5 up to 1.8.0, Am I miss-remembering?
  • The Hardboot/Softboot upgrade was from 1.5 to 1.65 in CE units. If the unit shipped from us running 1.65 or better, it got the hardboot and softboot as a part of the manufacturing process. Is there a specific reason you need to update the software? Have you tried initializing flash before you load the upgrade? I have seen some units get stuck trying to upgrade the configuration inside of them . If the backlight is out that might be an indication that it's time for this unit to come home for a checkup. We can also diagnose why it is not taking the upgrade.
  • I had the exact same thing happen going from 1,8.02 to 1.9.3. I tried several times and then, um, did what the instructions say to do. Save the config. Initialize flash twice. Reset. When the memory has been purged, it seems to work much better. John Briggs, not Brian Evely. I just get his mail.