When did SSRs (al la L86) stop catastrophically failing?

When did SSRs (Powercubes) (al la L86) stop catastrophically failing?
Once, a long long time ago...in a product far far from today.....the SSR's in products such as L86 had a tendency to have "Catastrophic failures" that sent AC out the in door.
This seems to be a failure of yester-years.
Does anyone have a ball park time frame when this failure faded away?  This has to do with sorting spare L86 modules...who to keep who to pass on
BTW, did you see that the Aries Rocket that exploded a few weeks ago was described as having had a "Catastrophic anomaly at launch"....makes me laugh
  • Hi Bruce, I have a post-it note in the back of my top drawer that gives me the dates of suspected bad cubes. Douglas-Randall 9040 through 9113 were the culprits. We never posted this info [until now] because not all cubes were bad and we didn't want people to freak out. Those numbers are stamped in white on the side of the cubes and are production dates [9040 = 1990, 40th week]. Basically, if you pick up the module using the power cube and the power cube stays together, they are fine. If you pick it up and the cube separates from its base, throw it out. That help? David