Concert and CEM3 sync problems with Time Settings

I am using Concert 1.0.9 and CEM3 (SR348) 1.5.1.

In Concert, I change the Time Settings, Time Mode from Manual to Automatic and change the UTC Offset to -7 for USA Mountain Time Zone.  This is followed by sending the device config to the CEM3.  After a few moments, I check the CEM3 UI and the Time Settings are still set to manual.  Concert then updates status for that device and tells me I am out of sync.

With keeping the same settings on Concert to Automatic, I use the CEM3 UI to set the Time Mode to Automatic.  Concert updates to say that I am synced to that device.

What I get from this is that Concert cannot tell a CEM3 to change Time Mode from Manual to Automatic.  Anyone else run into this issue?

Also, after setting the CEM3 Time Mode to Automatic (at the CEM3 UI) I have to reset the CEM3 for the Time Service (Conductor in this instance) to apply the correct time to the CEM3.
