Issues connecting SR12+ to Smartfade

I'm having issues connecting my SR12+ to my Smartfade board.  I have never operated a lighting system to this degree, but basically some of the dimmers work great, while others will not connect to the board.  Is there a way to reset the whole thing so they'll all connect?  

Any help would be appreciated.  

  • Hi there -

    It sounds like the SmartFade might not be patched properly - this is the assignment of dimmer addresses to the channel faders. The SmartFade user manual can be downloaded here. I suggest having a look at page 19 to see how to set the patch to 1-to-1, which should set dimmer 1 to channel 1, dimmer 2 to channel 2 and so on just to see if you can communicate with all the dimmers. If that works, you can use the instructions on page 20 and beyond to customize that patch so it makes better sense in your show if you need to. Ensuring that things work with the simple 1-to-1 patch will also help us to help you in case it's the settings in the dimmer rack that need to be checked next.

    Hope this helps -


  • Thanks so much for the fast reply. I tried the method, but I cannot successfully patch any of the dimmers. Currently, I have 6 lights (Spots 1,5,6,7,9,11) and I can use 1,2, & 7 with no problems. The others will not patch which makes me suspect that they are set up properly on the SR12+.