ELTS 9V Battery

I don't know quite where to post this question, and it doesn't at this time require a call to Tech Services.

I was looking at the ELTS installed in the theater, and I noticed that there was a 9V battery on the Control Panel.

I could not find a reference to it in the manual.

What is its purpose?

Does it need to be changed regularly?

The preventive maintenance section of the manual does not have a schedule for replacement.  The troubleshooting section doesn't mention it.

Honestly, the ELTS was installed 15 years ago.  I am just glad that the batteries in both of the ELTS are not leaking.



  • That version of the ELTS was actually manufactured by ASCO for use in ETC systems. Their documentation was never very complete, so I'm not entirely sure what role the battery plays in the function of the ELTS. My assumption is that it mostly just keeps the electronics powered during the brief intervals between power loss and switching to emergency, as well as during the transfer back to normal.

    If that's the case, then the battery is almost never being drained and the lifespan will be determined by the date on the battery. Since this is likely to be forgotten again, I would suggest replacement with one of those lithium batteries designed for a 7-10 year life in smoke detectors.

  • That version of the ELTS was actually manufactured by ASCO for use in ETC systems. Their documentation was never very complete, so I'm not entirely sure what role the battery plays in the function of the ELTS. My assumption is that it mostly just keeps the electronics powered during the brief intervals between power loss and switching to emergency, as well as during the transfer back to normal.

    If that's the case, then the battery is almost never being drained and the lifespan will be determined by the date on the battery. Since this is likely to be forgotten again, I would suggest replacement with one of those lithium batteries designed for a 7-10 year life in smoke detectors.
