IP Adresses on Net3 ACN 2 port gateways

Through a mistake of curiousity I restored the defaults on a Net# ACN 2 port DMX RDM gateway.   Now when I plug the ethernet cable into the gateway it responds but says it is "Waiting for IP address server"  What do I do to get the gateway to take up an IP address?  Any help would be much appreciated!!!
  • Howdy Curious George,


    What kind of lighting console fo you have? If you have an Eos, Ion or Congo console, you could

    turn on the DHCP Server in the settings and Console and connect the Gateway and it will receive an IP.


    You could also connect a laptop with the Net2 Network Config Editor Software and then turn the

    DCHP server on in this software to give the Gateway an address.

    Hopefully this helps - if not - just ask  ;)

  • Howdy Curious George,


    What kind of lighting console fo you have? If you have an Eos, Ion or Congo console, you could

    turn on the DHCP Server in the settings and Console and connect the Gateway and it will receive an IP.


    You could also connect a laptop with the Net2 Network Config Editor Software and then turn the

    DCHP server on in this software to give the Gateway an address.

    Hopefully this helps - if not - just ask  ;)

  • That sounds good.  I've downloaded the software and read the manual.  There are two other nodes on this network that still have their previously assigned IP address.  In order to assign the defaulted node an address should I ----  1. Connect all nodes to the network. 2.  Plug my computer into the network 3.  Start the network address server and let it go to work? 


    1.  Change the IP settings on my computer to the ones recommended in the manual (IP Address; Subnet Mask; and Gateway IP 2. Connect all the nodes to the network.  3. Connect my computer to the network. 4.  Start the network address server and let it go to work?

     According to my understanding of the instruction manual, I would follow the second series of steps, especially if I check the IP addresses on the two functioning nodes and they fall into the Default IP address ranges for 2 port DMX nodes given in the manual.  Let me know if I'm on the right track here or if it would be easier to call Tech Services and have them walk me through the process.  Thanks again for your help!

  • You are on the right track.  You do want to change your computers settings to the 10.101.x.x range of addresses if the nodes are on that default setting.  I've not seen too many ETC Network setups where field technicians change from the default ranges, so you probably can get away with that as your start point.

    You can also just open the program, go to the Network Menu, connect, and see how many nodes pop up in the lower right corner before turning on Network Address server.  You may need to disconnect and reconnect power to the node (or just reboot/reset the node) to get the node to poll the Network Address server and get an address.

    And as usual, you can contact Tech support if you get in to a jam, and they can easily talk you through any problems.

    Good Luck.